Developer Commands


aip [f | b]

The aip command advances the illumination pointer when MGED is in the solid illuminate state or the object illuminate state. In either of the illuminate states, a single primitive shape is highlighted at one time, and the path to that shape is displayed. Moving the mouse vertically in the MGED display causes different shapes to be highlighted and their paths to be displayed. The aip command causes the next shape in the list to be highlighted (if used with no arguments or the f argument), or it causes the previous shape in the list to be highlighted (if used with the b argument). When the desired shape is highlighted, it is selected by clicking the middle mouse button or by using the M command. If MGED is in the object path state, the place along the path where the edit is to take place will advance. Once the desired path position is displayed, it is selected by clicking the middle mouse button or by using the M command.

mged> sill   (1)
mged> aip   (2)
mged> aip b   (3)
mged> M 1 0 0   (4)
1 Enter solid (i.e., primitive) illuminate mode.
2 Highlight the next shape.
3 Highlight the previous shape.
4 Select the highlighted shape.


This command is used to maintain internal command window structures.

The cmd_win command accepts the following subcommands:

open id

This subcommand is used to create the internal data structures for a new command window. If id is already in use, nothing is changed.

close id

This subcommand releases id's internal data structures. If the referenced command window is tied to a display manager, then that association is also removed.

set id

This subcommand sets the current command window to id. If this command window is tied to a display manager, that display manager becomes the current display manager.


This subcommand returns the id of the current command window.

mged> cmd_win open my_id   (1)
mged> cmd_win close my_id  (2)
mged> cmd_win set my_id    (3)
mged> cmd_win get          (4)
1 Create a command window named my_id.
2 Closes the command window my_id.
3 my_id becomes the current command window.
4 Gets the current command window.


This command is used to maintain the "collaborative session". The collaborative session is a list whose members share a view and view ring among the upper right display manager panes.

The collaborate command accepts the following subcommands:

join id

This causes the GUI associated with id to join the collaborative session.

quit id

This causes the GUI associated with id to quit the collaborative session.


This returns the list of participants (ids) in the collaborative session.

mged> collaborate join bill   (1)
mged> collaborate quit bill   (2)
mged> collaborate show        (3)
1 bill is added to the collaborative session.
2 bill is removed from the collaborative session.
3 Show list of collaborative participants.


get_comb comb_name

The get_comb command returns a Tcl list of information about comb_name. If comb_name is a region, the following information is returned:


Otherwise, the following shorter list is returned:


mged> get_comb some_region   (1)
some_region Yes 1000 0 1 100 {0 220 220} plastic No { u box - ball }

mged> get_comb some_non_region
some_non_region No {0 220 220} plastic No { u box2 - ball2 }


The get_dm_list command returns a list of all open display managers. The members of this list are the actual Tcl/Tk window names of the open display managers.


Returns the current default input value.


grid2model_lu gx gy

Given a point in grid coordinates (local units), convert it to model coordinates (local units).


grid2view_lu gx gy

Given a point in grid coordinates (local units), convert it to view coordinates (local units).


gui_destroy id

Destroy the GUI (Graphical User Interface) represented by id. Note that this GUI must have been created with the gui command.


hist subcommand

This command is used to maintain command history. hist accepts the following subcommands:

add command

This adds command to the history list of commands executed during the current MGED session. If command is more than one word, it must be surrounded by braces (i.e., {make box arb8}).


This returns the next command in the command history list.


This returns the previous command in the command history list.

mged> hist add {ae 35 25}   (1)
mged> ae 0 90
mged> hist prev   (2)
1 Add the command "ae 35 25" to the history list.
2 Return the previous command (i.e., "ae 0 90").


make_name template make_name -s [num]

This command generates an object name that does not occur in the database. The name, which is generated in the format specified by template, contains an integer count. By default, this count appears at the end of the generated name, but if template contains the @ character, then the count appears at that position in the name.

mged> make_name wheel   (1)
mged> make_name tree@trunk   (2)
1 Returns, say "wheel5."
2 Returns "tree@trunk". The two-character string @@ is interpreted as the literal @, and thus is ignored for the purposes of positioning the name count. The integer counter starts at 0, and, by default, it is incremented each time make_name is executed. The -s option resets this counter. If the argument num is specified, the counter is set to this value. Otherwise, it is set to 0.


mged_update non_blocking

This command is used to handle outstanding events and to refresh the MGED display(s). This may be useful in certain Tcl scripts to maintain interactivity while waiting for user input. Note that if non_blocking is negative, outstanding events will not be processed. That is, only the MGED display(s) will be refreshed.

mged> mged_update 0   (1)
mged> mged_update 1   (2)
1 Update the MGED display, blocking (i.e., handle all outstanding events; if none, wait for one).
2 Update the MGED display, nonblocking (i.e., handle all outstanding events; if none, return immediately).

mmenu_get [i]

This command is used to get MGED’s internal menus. If i is not specified, return all three internal menus. Otherwise, return the ith menu. Note - valid values for i are 0, 1, or 2.

mged> mmenu_get   (1)
mged> mmenu_get 2   (2)
1 Return all internal menus.
2 Return the internal menu number 2.

mmenu_set id i

This Tcl proc is used to set/install MGED’s ith internal menu in the Tcl/Tk button menu owned by id.

mged> mmenu_set bill 0   (1)
1 Install MGED’s 0th internal menu into id s button menu.


model2grid_lu mx my m

Convert a point in model coords (local units) to a point in grid coords (local units).


model2view x y z

The model2view command converts the supplied point (in model coordinates) to view coordinates. View coordinates are the coordinates in the viewing cube with values between -1.0 and +1.0 being inside the viewing cube.

mged> model2view 10 20 30   (1)
1 Display the view coordinates that correspond to the point (10 20 30) in model space.


model2view_lu mx my mz

Convert a point in model coordinates (local units) to a point in view coordinates (local units).


output_hook [hook_cmd]

Set up to have output from bu_log sent to hook_cmd. If hook_cmd is not specified, the output hook is deleted.


put_comb comb_name is_Region [id air gift los] color shader inherit Boolean_expr

The put_comb command defines the combination comb_name. If is_Region is Yes, then id, air, gift and los must be specified. If is_Region is No, then id, air, gift, and los must not be specified.

mged> put_comb not_region No \"0 220 220\" plastic No \"u box\\n- ball\"   (1)
mged> put_comb my_region Yes 1000 0 1 100 \"0 220 220\" plastic No \"u box\\n- ball\"   (2)
1 Defines a combination called not_region.
2 Defines a region called my_region.


Reset the parameters for the currently edited shape (i.e. es_int) to the database values.


rset [res_type [res [vals]]]

Provides a mechanism to get/set resource values for the given resource types. The supported resource types are: ax (Axes), c (Color Schemes), g (Grid), r (Rubber Band), and var (MGED Variables). Basically, rset always gets a value unless enough information is given to set a value. For example, with no parameters, rset returns a list of all resource values for the supported resource types. If rset is executed with only the res_type given, a list of all resource values for the given res_type is returned.

mged> rset g
mged> rset g snap    -- Get value for grid snapping 0.
mged> rset g snap 1  -- Enable snapping.
mged> rset r
Rubber Band
	pos=0,0 m=0,0
mged> rset r draw    -- Get value for "Rubber Band s" draw variable 0.
mged> rset r draw 1  -- Draw rubber band.
mged> rset ax        -- Prints the values of the axes.
mged> rset ax model_size  -- Get size of model axes 500.


set_more_default more_default

Set the current default input value.


share [-u] resource dm1 [dm2]

The share command provides a mechanism to share (or unshare with the * u* option) resources among display managers. When a resource is shared between two or more display managers, any change to that resource is seen only in the sharing display managers. The supported resource types are: ad (ADC), ax (Axes), c (Color Schemes), d (Display Lists), g (Grid), m (Menu), r (Rubber Band), vi (View), and var (MGED Variables).

mged> share g .dm_ogl0 .dm_ogl1   (1)
mged> share -u g .dm_ogl1   (2)
1 .dm_ogl0 shares its grid resource with .dm_ogl1.
2 .dm_ogl1 acquires a private copy of the grid resource.


solids_on_ray h v

List all displayed shapes along a ray.


stuff_str string

Sends a string to MGED’s tty, while leaving the current command line alone. This is used to relay the activity of Tcl/Tk command windows to MGED’s tty. If MGED is no longer attached to a tty, nothing happens.


The svb command sets the view reference base variables, which are used internally by the knob command to implement absolute rotation, translation, and scale.

mged> svb   (1)
1 Set the view reference base variables with respect to the current view.


tie [[-u] command_window [display_window]]

The tie command is used to create (or untie/destroy with the -u option) an association between a command window and a display window. When there exists such an association, all commands entered from the command window will be directed at the associated display window. The command_window can be specified with MGED to refer to the tty from which MGED was started or an id associated with a Tcl/Tk interface window created with gui. The display_window is specified with its Tcl/Tk pathname. If no parameters are given, a listing of the current command_window/display_window pairs is returned. If only the command_window is given, the display_window associated with command_window is returned. If both parameters are given, the command_window/display_window association is created.

mged> tie my_id .my_display_window   (1)
mged> tie my_id  .my_display_window   (2)
mged> tie  {my_id .my_window} {mged {}}   (3)
1 Create the association between my_id and .my_display_window.
2 Returns the display window associated with my_id.
3 List all of the command_window/display_window pairs.


view2grid_lu vx vy vz

Given a point in view coordinates (local units), converts to grid coordinates (local units).


view2model x y z

The view2model command converts the specified point (x y z) in view coordinates to model coordinates (mm). The part of view space displayed by MGED is the cube -1.0 <= x,y,z <= +1.0.

mged> view2model 1 1 0   (1)
1 List the model coordinates of the upper right corner of the MGED display (in a plane at the center of the viewing cube).


view2model_lu vx vy vz

Given a point in view coordinates (local units), converts to model coordinates (local units).


view2model_vec vx vy vz

Given a vector in view coordinates, convert it to model coordinates.


view_ring subcommand

This manipulates the view ring for the current display manager. The view ring is a list of views owned by a display manager. Views can be added or removed and can also be traversed or queried. view_ring accepts the following subcommands:


This subcommand adds the current view to the view ring.


This subcommand makes the next view on the view ring the current view.


This subcommand makes the previous view on the view ring the current view.


This subcommand toggles between the current view and the last view.

delete vid

This subcommand removes/deletes the view with a view id of vid from the view ring. The last view cannot be removed (i.e., there is always one view on the view ring).

goto vid

This subcommand makes the view with a view id of vid the current view.

get [-a]

Returns the id of the current view. If -a is specified, all view ids on the view ring are returned.

mged> view_ring add   (1)
mged> view_ring goto 1   (2)
mged> view_ring delete 1   (3)
1 Add the current view to the view ring.
2 Go to view 1.
3 Delete view 1 from the view ring.


viewget parameter

The viewget command displays various mged view parameters. The possible parameters are:

  • aet – list the azimuth, elevation, and twist for the current viewing aspect.

  • center – list the model coordinates (mm) of the center of the viewing cube.

  • size – list the size (mm) of a side the current MGED display.

  • eye – list the model coordinates (mm) of the current eye point.

  • ypr – list the yaw, pitch, and roll angles (degrees) of the current viewing aspect.

  • quat – list the quaternion for the current viewing aspect.

mged> viewget center   (1)
1 List the model coordinates of the center of the MGED viewing cube.


viewset <parameter value>

The viewset command sets various MGED view parameters. More than one parameter may be set with one command. The possible parameters are:

  • aet – set the azimuth, elevation, and twist for the current viewing aspect.

  • center – set the model coordinates (mm) of the center of the viewing cube.

  • size – set the size (mm) of a side of the current MGED display.

  • eye – set the model coordinates (mm) of the current eye point.

  • ypr – set the yaw, pitch, and roll angles (degrees) of the current viewing aspect.

  • quat – set the quaternion for the current viewing aspect.

mged> viewset center 1 2 3 size 100   (1)
1 Set the model coordinates of the center of the MGED viewing cube to the point (1 2 3) and set the size of the viewing cube to 100 mm.


winset [pathName]

The winset command sets the current display manager to pathName. If pathName is not given, the current display manager is returned.

mged> winset .my_window   (1)
mged> winset   (2)
1 .my_window is now the current display manager.
2 Returns the current display manager (i.e., .my_window).