BRL-CAD Tutorial Series: Volume II: Introduction to MGED
Lee A. Butler
Eric W. Edwards
Betty J. Schueler
Robert G. Parker
John R. Anderson
U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-5068
April 2001
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Since 1979, the U.S. Army Research Laboratory has been developing and
distributing the BRL-CAD constructive solid geometry (CSG) modeling
package for a wide range of military and industrial applications. The
package includes a large collection of tools and utilities including
an interactive geometry editor, ray-tracing and generic framebuffer
libraries, a network-distributed image-processing and
signal-processing capability, and an embedded scripting language.
As part of this effort, a multivolume tutorial series is being
developed to assist users in the many features of the BRL-CAD
package. The “Introduction to MGED,” which is the second volume in the
series, is intended to provide new users with a basic understanding of
the Multi-Device Geometry Editor (MGED), which is the heart of
BRL-CAD. Other volumes focus on installation procedures, advanced
features, and programming.