6. Building a New Converter
1. General Information About Building a New Converter
If the previously mentioned import/export converters do not meet the user’s needs, a custom converter can be built. The effort required to accomplish this, of course, depends on the user’s coding ability, the intended model use, and the available resources. If one needs to convert from a simple ASCII format consisting entirely of triangles to BRL-CAD, a few days of effort will probably suffice. On the other hand, if one wants to develop a converter from a proprietary commercial CAD system to BRL-CAD, several months of effort and training may be required.
For example, Pro/E, Unigraphics, and similar commercial CAD systems provide libraries and APIs that a developer can use to access their models. Typically, training is required in order to understand what these libraries can do and how they work, and training in the use of the CAD system itself may be required as a prerequisite to understand the package environment and terminology. The purchase of expensive licenses is also a typical requirement, and, in some cases, the use of the code developed will require the purchase of another license.
But before one begins developing a new converter, one should first consider the possibility of using combinations of existing converters. For example, if one needs to convert from a commercial CAD system to BRL-CAD and no converter exists for that system, he might consider importing his model into Pro/E or Unigraphics and converting to BRL-CAD from there.
Understandably, this may result in the loss of some information (and repeated conversions usually mean greater losses), but restoring that information manually may be more cost effective than building a new converter from scratch. Another possibility might be to convert the geometry to STL format and then convert the STL to BRL-CAD using stl-g (see Converting From STL Format).
2. Converting From BRL-CAD
Converters from BRL-CAD to another format generally come in one of two varieties. The first type converts BRL-CAD objects to their CSG counterparts in the receiving system. This type of conversion rarely happens as most commercial CAD systems have extremely limited CSG capabilities. If this is the case, however, the converter merely needs to visit every object in the BRL-CAD model and output it in the form required by the receiving system. A sample code (named g-xxx.c) to accomplish this is included in the conv directory in the BRL-CAD source distribution. The only missing piece of this code is the actual output of the receiving format.
The more common type of conversion is when the desired output format is not CSG. Currently, the best choice in this situation is to produce a triangular facetted approximation of the BRL-CAD regions and output that approximation in the receiving format. A sample code (named g-xxx_facets.c) for this approach is also included in the conv directory in the BRL-CAD source distribution. Again, only the part where the facets are output in the receiving format is missing.
The sample code performs Boolean evaluation of the regions using tessellated versions of the CSG primitives. This technique is not always successful, so the sample code catches the failures, notifies the user, and continues when a failure occurs.
3. Converting to BRL-CAD
A similar situation exists for converting to BRL-CAD. If one is fortunate enough to be converting from a CSG system, then just converting everything to its corresponding BRL-CAD representation is all that is required. The libwdb library distributed with BRL-CAD contains all the routines needed to build primitives, regions, and combinations in BRL-CAD.
To create an empty BRL-CAD model, use the following code snippet:
struct rt_wdb *wdbp;
if( (wdbp=wdb_fopen( new_file_name ) ) == RT_WDB_NULL ) {
bu_exit(1, "Failed to open output file (%s)\n", new_file_name);
Then use the wdbp pointer to pass to all the routines in libwdb.
For example, to build a sphere centered at coordinates (1.0, 2.0, and 3.0) with a radius of 5.0 mm in BRL-CAD, the following call to mk_sphere will suffice:
char *sphere_name="s1";
point_t center;
fastf_t radius;
/* set the center and radius values */
VSET( center, 1, 2, 3 );
radius = 5.0;
/* actually build the sphere */
if( mk_sph( wdbp, sphere_name, center, radius ) ) {
bu_exit(1, "Failed to make a sphere (%s)\n", sphere_name ;
TO build a region or combination in BRL-CAD, a call to mk_comb will do the job. This is a bit more complicated as it requires building a list of members prior to the call to mk_comb. In the example that follows, a region consisting of primitive "s2" subtracted from primitive "s1" is constructed:
struct bu_list head;
struct wmember *wmp;
/* initialize the list of members for this combination */
BU_LIST_INIT( &head );
/* add the first member (use the UNION operator here) */
if( (wmp=mk_addmember( "s1", &headp, NULL, WMOP_UNION) ) == WMEMBER_NULL ) {
bu_exit(1, "Failed to add member(s1)\n");
/* subtract the second member */
if( (wmp=mk_addmember( "s2", &headp, NULL, WMOP_SUBTRACT) ) == WMEMBER_NULL ) {
bu_exit(1, "Failed to add member(s2)\n");
/* build the actual region */q
if( mk_comb( wdbp, "region_name", &head, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1000, 0,
1, 100, 0, 0, 0 ) ) {
bu_exit(1, "Error building region\n");
If the system you are converting from is not a CSG system (which is the most likely case), then you will need to do some processing on the originating system to get the data in a form that BRL-CAD can use. If you have the API module for the originating system, you may be able to use one of those routines to create a triangulated representation of the model. This triangle data can then be used to build BOT primitives in the BRL-CAD model using the mk_bot routine. Each BOT primitive can be placed in a region of its own (as shown previously).
A hybrid approach is also possible where simple shapes that can be identified as BRL-CAD primitive shapes are converted as BRL-CAD primitives, and everything else is converted as BOT primitives. If the converter requires building BOT primitives, you might want to consider a converter that produces a BRL-CAD ASCII format database. The "C" mk_bot routine is a very thin wrapper for the actual internal format of the BOT primitive and requires an intimate knowledge of its structure. The ASCII format is considerably simpler and easier to work with in this situation. As mentioned previously, the current ASCII format is simply a Tcl script. For example, the following is the ASCII form of a BRL-CAD database containing a single BOT:
title {example of a simple BOT primitive}
units mm
put {tetra} bot mode volume orient rh flags {} V { { 0 0 1000 } { -500
0 -1000 } { -500 -500 -1000 } { 500 -500 -1000 }} F { { 0 1 3 } { 0 1
2 } { 0 2 3 } { 1 2 3 }}
The aforementioned example creates a BRL-CAD database with the title of "example of a simple BOT primitive", with preferred units of millimeters and a single tetrahedron-shaped BOT primitive. The line that begins with "put" creates the BOT primitive (note that there are actually only three lines in this example; the last line is wrapped in this report for clarity). This line is a command to the Tcl interpreter. The "put" is the command, "tetra" is the name of the object to be created, and "bot" is the type of object to create. The remainder of the line consists of key/value pairs. This line creates a BOT primitive named "tetra", using volume mode (meaning this BOT encloses space), with right-hand (rh) rule triangle orientation, and no flags.
The V key introduces the list of vertices for this BOT primitive, and the F key introduces the list of triangle faces (each integer is an index into the list of vertices). Additional put commands build more objects in the database. For example, to create a region using the tetra object, the user would append the following line to the aforementioned file:
put {aregion} comb region yes tree {l tetra}
This line creates a BRL-CAD combination named aregion, which is a region and consists only of the tetra object created earlier. The resulting file is converted to BRL-CAD binary format using asc2g.
For an example of code that produces this type of output, see the g2asc.c file in the conv directory of the source distribution.