
You can create an "extrude" object through the normal object creation facilities. You can either run the "in" command or use the Create menu. The 'in' command will interactively prompt you for parameters.
Here is an example of a sketch creation followed by an extrude object creation based on it.
Sketch creation:
mged> put sketch_example sketch V {0 0 0} A {1 0 0} B {0 1 0} VL { {0 0} {1 0} {1 1} {0 1} } SL { {line S 0 E 1} {line S 1 E 2} {line S 2 E 3} {line S 3 E 0} }
followed by an Extrude creation:
mged> in Enter name of solid: extrude_example Enter solid type: extrude Enter X, Y, Z of vertex: 0 0 0 Enter X, Y, Z of H: 0 0 1 Enter X, Y, Z of A: 1 0 0 Enter X, Y, Z of B: 0 1 0 Enter name of sketch: sketch_example