bot_face_sort - Sorts the list of triangles that constitutes the BOT primitive to optimize it for raytracing with the specified number of triangles per piece.
Used to sort the list of triangles that constitutes the BOT primitive to optimize it for raytracing with the specified number of triangles per piece. Most BRL-CAD primitives are treated as a single object when a model is being prepared for raytracing, but BOT primitives are normally broken into "pieces" to improve performance. The raytracer normally uses four triangles per piece.
The example shows the use of the bot_face_sort command to sort the list of triangles that constitutes the BOT primitive to optimize it for raytracing.
mged> bot_face_sort 4 bot1 bot2
The faces of bot1 and bot2 to optimize them for raytracing with four triangles per piece.
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