Deletes the specified objects from the current database. This command affects only the objects actually listed on the command line. If a combination is killed, its members are not affected. If the -f option is specified, then kill will not complain if some, or all, of the objects specified do not actually exist in the database. Note that the objects are killed immediately. There is no need for a write file command in MGED, and there is no undo command.
Use this command with caution. Other commands that remove objects from the database are killall and killtree.
The -q option may be added to suppress database object lookup messages reporting failure, which will otherwise let the user know an invalid object was specified.
The example shows the use of the kill command to delete specified objects from the database.
mged> kill group1 region2 shapeb
Deletes group1, region2, and shapeb from the database.
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